Nixon Men presents: Dead Lord & Second Sun LIVE IN CONCERT at The Abyss!
“Dead Lord are cool. Dead Lord has got electric guitars. Dead Lord remembers 1978 even though they weren’t born until 10 years later. Dead Lord plays The Rock!”
“Dead Lord will bring their electric guitars to Gothenburg on the 27th of September, to set the city on fire with flames of rock and roll, just as they have done many times before. Faces will be melted, jaws will be dropped. Leave no mind unblown!”
“Second Sun is your new favorite band! Combining elements of Jethro Tull, Hawkwind and Camel together with a healthy dose of everyday anxiety, you get the full experience of a emotional rollercoaster ride like a stay-at-home-parent who have misplaced the medications! With a brand new album, “Eländes Elände”, out September 21st on Gaphals Records, in their bag, this show will follow the success they had when they packed The Abyss together with the Mighty Hällas in January, earlier this year. So; DON’T BLOW IT!”
Presented by The Abyss and Amplified Medborgarskolan