Deathhammer + Nekromantor

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The Abyss
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The Abyss - Deathhammer + Nekromantor

By now, DEATHHAMMER should need no introduction. For 13 years, this insatiable Norwegian duo have been at the forefront of the burgeoning blackthrash movement.

Though blackthrash has seen intermittent surges in popularity over the last few decades, for sole members Sadomancer and Sargeant Salsten, this is a way of life – not a trend.

DEATHHAMMER proved as much as with their cult debut album, Phantom Knights, in 2010 and then proved it yet further and more fully – and more furiously and filthily – with 2013’s “Onward to the Pits” and 2015’s “Evil Power,” both of which were released by HELLS HEADBANGERS to widespread international acclaim. And yet, through it all, the duo kept their wits about them, simply being DEATHHAMMER and taking their irresistible (and irresistibly evil) charm to stages worldwide, including a command performance at HELLS HEADBANGERS’ Hells Headbash 2 in 2015.

Swedens NEKROMANTOR, This is pure Black Speed Metal Armageddon!!!

19:00: Doors
20:00: Nekromantor
21:00: Deathhammer