Are you ready for some extreme metal?
Sunday the 15th of April we have two death metal acts on stage to bring havoc and create utter chaos!
Inisans is ready to release their debut album “Transition” due early april and while not being their official releaseshow we will be privileged to be among the first to witness the birth of a new Death Metal wave of the dirty and rotten sound of death, as it should sound!
As support for Inisans we are proud to introduce the local act Gravebomb!
They started out back in 2015 and has since released one album named “Rot in Putrid Filth”. A perfect example of young death metalheads playing the oldschool swedish Death Metal in the vein of early Entombed and Dismember!
Entrance: 100 sek
19:00 – Doors
ca 20:00 – Gravebomb
ca 21:00 – Inisans
01:00 – closing