The Abyss Festival Pre-party

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The Abyss
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What a better start to a 2 days festival than a warm up show with 3 amazing bands at yours truly, The Abyss. Thursday kick off party with Sarcator, Obnoxious Youth and Stress Angle. Welcome to Metal Madness.


Swedens new hope when it comes to thrash metal is spelled Sarcator. These teens from Trollhattan started out by playing Metallica covers. After working on their own material they headed to the Studio-MT in their hometown to record their debut album, released in November of 2020. After just a few months after the release they got nominated to Best Swedish Metal Group for the 2021 edition of the radio listeners award P3 Guld. Even if they lost out to Lik it was still a major confirmation that the band were on the right path and not bad for 4 guys that are all still in high school. The music is heavily inspired by Metallica, Slayer as well as the German teutonic thrash metal wave and melodic death metal like The Crown and At The Gates. The Crown influences probably came by birth as the line-up feature The Crown’s Marko Tervonen’s son Mateo Tervonen. This is the kind of death thrash that most old school fans live for. You need to check this out.


OBNOXIOUS YOUTH defy logic, genres, order and last but not least, the rules. The result of this bizarre fusion of mad men and twisted minds is a rare mixture of 80ies heavy metal and American hardcore punk. Fans of VENOM, MOTÖRHEAD, ACCÜSED, SEPTIC DEATH, VOIVOD, METALLICA, POISON IDEA, DISCHARGE, GBH and early SLAYER will feel right at home.

OBNOXIOUS YOUTH don’t believe in cheating, OBNOXIOUS YOUTH writes real songs and records their albums DIY style on analog reel-to-reel, the timeless way, and they keep the mistakes and the filth. The analog and true sound presents the band in the best possible way, creating a true and honest punch in the face!


Brooklyn is many things, with a strange hodge-podge of peoples and cultures, but it isn’t what one normally thinks of as a hotbed of throwback mega-retro death metal. The duo behind Stress Angel are out to change that with their gritty, scuzzy debut platter, Bursting Church. Featuring a member of Natur and a mysterious co-conspirator, Stress Angel deliver a heaving, hacking old school death sound that’s like vintage Autopsy slammed into Toxic Holocaust with crustcore stuffed in all the gaps like maggot-ridden grout. Sound noxious? It certainly is. Sound exciting? It will be for the subset of metal fans who love all things olde, raw and unpleasant.