(Date changed)
Like Odin sacrificed his eye to Mimer’s well to gain unfathomable knowledge, Fenriz sacrificed his sanity to gain immeasurable knowledge of heavy metal.
So we are beyond excited that he’s taken the time from his forest roaming to make a super exclusive quiz just for you, the visitors of The Abyss! Don’t be alarmed. It’s not as hard as one might expect, rather a true look into the very entertaining and impressive mind of this slightly mad genius. So gather your band of merry metalholics and come and put your minds to the test! And if you fight real hard, there are glorious (playable) prizes in store for the victors.
Take note: Maximum of 4 members of each team. The quiz will be completely in English. Smart-phone cheaters will be drawn and quartered. Fenriz will not be appearing in person, but he will be there completely in spirit (obviously)…and also in videos!
The Abyss matriarch Maya and Inquizitor Dö the Mäth will guide you through the maze of torment that is Fenriz Quiz aka Darkquiz!
Be sure to come early to get a table or book prior: contact@theabyss.se! 7 pm sharp!
Ps. After the quiz, be sure to stick around to enjoy the metallic party mayhem brought on by DJ Dö the Mäth – 100% vinyl set from the sing-along hits to the underground pits!!!