Hi friends,
We have kept a lot from you lately, in hope for resolution of the problem, however it did not go the way as planned, and now it’s time for us to inform you.
A bit more than a couple of months ago, we received a notice from our landlord that our neighbours have started complaining about the LIVE music in The Abyss. They claim it has started to become a problem since September this year. We had 2 meetings with the landlord and in the meantime one of the neighbours reported us to Miljöförvaltningen and others to Hyresrätten. So it has fast escalated. We weren’t given a chance to act and conduct any work before it had gone this far. From nothing to full throttle.
One of the persons complaining has been living in the building for 16 years while The Abyss has been here for over 8.5 years now, doing live shows, so we find it very strange and unexplainable why suddenly The Abyss is a problem. Question was if we had done any remodeling of the place in September, and the answer is a clear no.
Nevertheless, since we are the problem, we had to pay measuring of decibel / sound between neighbours and us. That was a really big cost. We got suggestions from the company that conducted the measuring and we followed it through.
- We ordered sound absorbing pads for subs.
- We had to build a drumraiser and fill it with glass wool. Underneath the drumraiser we had to put 35 sound absorbing pads.
- We had to take down PA speakers, put special sound absorbing pads in the ceiling and reconnect them with material thread instead of metal ones so it doesn’t carry the sound. The costs went near 20 K.
- We had to fill in detachable parts of the stage with glass wool with further costs
- We took down a PA speaker
- Changed back to thicker soundproof curtains
- Built a wall between kitchen and bar, again a big cost
1.5 weeks ago, after all works done, another reading was conducted with further costs and of course we have to pay. The results came on Wednesday last week and we reduced the sound significantly but not enough. We thought we had the problem resolved, but no. Struggle continues. Now we’ve got new suggestions, but that all costs money.
Additionally, at the same time we had other additional problems with being reported by someone. We will not go into details, however in the end things worked out for benefit of The Abyss. All happened at the same time, which was very hard to handle, resulting in crazy hours of overtime work.
All in all, it have been very hard times and a lot to deal with both mentally and physically, but we will overcome these obstacles – as we always do and did! This also unfortunately affected people working at The Abyss, all of us, with job losses and significant cut of hours and salaries. It’s unfair, but just the way it is.
Lately, especially December, it has been less and less people here. We understand it is month of Xmass and everyone is buying gifts, preparing for holiday season etc. That also results in us not being able to go ahead with all sound isolation/insulation at this very moment – resulting in us not being able to have live gigs. Please support us by visiting us and/or attending our last 4 shows this month:
- 20th: HÅRDROCK FÖR HELVETE celebrating 40 years of 1984 sound with our best DJs Mathias Larsson and Johan Karlsson.
- 21st: DOMGÅRD and VOODUS live concert celebrating Winter Solstice in style… how to do it better than with these 2 bands.
- 27th: We have fantastic evening with Yngwie Malmsteen tribute band honoring this legendary Metal King and his music.
- 28th: This may be our very last live concert – with the best CRANK & WARHAWK! We will celebrate End of Filth Year, going into a hopefully better year for all!
After these shows, The Abyss will close and reopen on 3rd of January.
In January we will need you to be with us and visit us much as you can. There will be no live shows until all the works are conducted. If any of you can help us with isolation/insulation works, we would appreciate this very much.
Apart from last live events at The Abyss, please support us on other days too. Come and hang, have a burger, have a chat with us, bring your friends.
- TUESDAYS we have OPEN MIC, where you can try out your new songs. We have open stage for playing n improvising. Great nights!
- WEDNESDAYS: English Comedy – come have a good laugh to carry you happy through rest of the week. This event will move to Thursday from January.
- THURSDAYS we usually try to discover new albums in Rock n Metal and try to hang out with YOU. This will be moved to Wednesdays in January.
To support our further isolation/insulation work, we made the decision to auction out our ICONIC CUSTOM MADE MOTÖRHEAD WINDOW WALL, where thousands of people have taken pics. The Auction will take place up to next Tuesday. Let’s see how it rolls.